I’m a big fan of your newsletter and I really deeply enjoyed every single post that you published. Lots of them I go and re-read multiple times over the span of couple of weeks.

With that being said, I have to be honest, and that’s primarily because I love your work and want to keep seeing more of it. But I kind of felt this article is missing something.

I loved the premise and the intro. You opened up with some really good stuff. But the moment I expected it to go and provide more details on the matter, it somehow abruptly finished, leaving me a bit confused. Frankly, after the first read, I had no clue what 12 questions were. So I had to re-read again and only then did I get the idea that Feynman always kept 12 questions. But I still didn’t “feel” it for some reason :/

In all honesty, I somehow feel like this article was a bit rushed and that it could have profitted from some more examples and some personal stories of yours. You did provide a link, but I didn’t want the link. I wanted your story. The entertaining one as it always is :)

Keep in mind this is very personal opinion and it could be just me. Again, I love your work and really enjoy every single post of yours. But this one missed something :)

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Thanks for sharing! Gives me a homework to think about, and good points :)

I think I may have rushed to share ‘something’ I thought was good enough, after a while with radio silence, versus giving it some more time, improving it further and expanding the story.

Definitely a lesson learned 👍

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Just keep in mind that this might be 100% related to myself and that others might actually see it different :)

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